Hello 4A,
Do remember to submit the money for the Handbook, Yearbook and all by MONDAY.
Do study and revise your Binomial as our teachers have just finished going through them.
A binomial test is probably coming up after the Circular Measure test.
Ms Fang is trying to act cute.
Every week 1 common test.
Do study for your test.
Take note that we will be taking our injections on Wednesday. (YAY)
Please DO NOT pon school.
and Do remember to bring your P.E and tie for monday.
Also, please complete your math Binomial assignments and the HCL assignments for those who haven't.
Read through your history textbook as we will be discussing in class with the relief teacher.
You should also read through the history notes that was given out today.
BTW, We're going for interclass :)
Charlotte. DO remember to bring your NYAA on monday with everything completed.(Chances are you won't see this)