Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Geog and SS EOY exam topics and Format

I've been requested to post this on the class blog.
In case you have lost your Geog and SS exam paper.
Attached is the very paper.
It contains your format, and topics tested.
Please read through.

Also, for those who have told Ryan you're going for the NEGC.
Please sms him your NRIC, Contact, DHS mail, DOB if you haven't.

Bye Bye :)

The term is coming to an End.
3A is left with 1 last term...

Saturday, August 28, 2010


days to EOYS!
let's not have any life in the next 40days of our lives.
let's all get As(on a more realistic note, let's start with Bs or even Cs)
No Fs, Es nor should there be Ds :)


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I was bored.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Korean Power Rangers

LOL their pants are erm... COOL!

Reminds me of the Power Rangers!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

EOY Topics

Hey all,
This are the topics to study for the EOYs.
Do take note of them and start to prepare early.
The topics for humanities have been given to us by the teachers on a piece of paper if I'm not wrong so do refer to that.

Please take note that we will be doing a Narrative Essay this friday.
Do go through the format.
We will be having our physics test on thursday.
And our Chemistry test and Math (trigonometry) test next week.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Class Outing

Hello everyone,

Dear Jianming has suggested for a class outing on Tuesday.
We will be going to E Hub to bowl. :)
Please reply to JianMing or Me whether you are going or not.
Timing will be confirmed.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Geography hw due on FRIDAY.

hi all,
please remember to do ur geography workbook,page 61, 62 and finish up page 64 qn 2b:)
hand in by friday.

