Friday, July 30, 2010


LOL, weiwen :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Math EOY topics

Hey y'all,

Below is the topics tested for E and A math EOY.


Monday, July 12, 2010


hi all, please remember to hand in ur Social Studies reflection to munlin. Thanks.

(10 marks, included in CA2)
-we are supposed to reflect on the event in relevance to maintenance of peace and harmony in multi ethnic singapore.
-write a reflection of about 300 words.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Class Photo

Hey people,

Please do tag or I'll emo. :)

Please do bring your entry proof on
Monday - Adalric and Alex
Tuesday - The rest of the HCL people.

Also, do remember to bring your ties on Monday.
Please also do bring it on Wednesday as we'll be taking our 1st CLASS PHOTO :D
Bring class tee as well as yourself.
Hope no one falls sick yeah?

:) have a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Photo Taking

Hey people,

Please read whatever is below...

Dear students,

We will be having class photo taking for the school magazine commencing from next Monday 12th July for Junior High and Senior High classes. Mr Tan Tui Gee has kindly agreed to help us to take photos again. We thank him for his time and effort.

Below are the details of the photo taking sessions:

1. Please refer to attached schedule for date and time of photo taking for respective classes.

2. Please remember to bring your school tie on the scheduled day for photo taking

3. Informal/ fun shots (about 3 poses) will be taken. Chairpersons please take note and plan with the class so that you can inform Mr Tan Tui Gee what the shots will consist of prior to the photo taking to avoid unnecessary delays during the photo-taking session.

4. Simple props can be brought for the funs shots. note: items must not be bulky

5. Form Teachers and Co-form teachers will report to Mr Tan with the class at the foyer 10 minutes before the scheduled time.

Thank you very much for your time and attention. Have a good day.

Mr Daniel Chin

on behalf of Publications Committee

Refer to the picture below for timing and date. :)


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Time table and Homework

HCL homework is dued tomorrow.
History homework is dued tomorrow.
Please bring all the Chem W/S tomorrow.
Math is dued on friday.
It's just 3 miserable w/s for math.
Please do it. :)

LOL... coming from me that's bs...

The new time table is below. :) have fun...
it s**ks if you ask me...

Peace out :)
